Help Bring Music
to Those in Need
Millions of aging Americans living in long-term care facilities face cognitive and physical difficulties and have left behind their familiar surroundings, familiar faces, and even their favorite music. Despite best efforts, their lives often lack meaning, spontaneity, choice, and reliable social interaction.
But there’s reason to hope for a better life as we age. At Music & Memory, we help people in nursing homes and other care organizations who suffer from a wide range of cognitive and physical challenges to find renewed meaning and connection in their lives through the gift of personalized music.
Our approach is simple and effective: We train care organizations how to set up personalized music playlists for those in their care using inexpensive music players. These music playlists – containing the beloved songs from a person’s formative years – tap deep memories long attached to the brain and can bring listeners back to life, enabling them to feel like themselves again, to converse, socialize, and stay present.
Favorite Music
Can Renew Lives Lost
to Dementia
Music & Memory has benefited thousands of individuals living with dementia and other types of physical and cognitive challenges. New research supports field observations that personalized music playlists can transform lives:
• Offers a safe, non-pharmaceutical approach to reducing depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.
• Provides a viable, effective alternative to mood-altering medications.
• Reduces fall risks and resistance to care.
• Helps to improve swallowing & nutrition.
• Increases engagement and socialization with family, friends and staff.
• Provides a meaningful activity for those on dialysis, on vent and/or bedridden.
• Relaxes participants and restores a sense of calm.
• Provides family and professional caregivers with much needed respite.
Watch the above excerpt from the film, Alive Inside: A Story of Music & Memory to learn more about the power of personalized music.
Get Involved
If you are passionate about helping people have access to life affirming music, you can make a difference at Music & Memory. Whatever your interests and skills, we have a volunteer opportunity that’s right for you. Take the first step today!
Music and the Brain
Music & Memory started with the understanding that music is deeply rooted in our conscious and unconscious brains. As powerful as that idea is, it becomes even more important if the functioning of the brain is deteriorating, as occurs in dementia and other types of cognitive and physical loss. But music can awaken the brain and with it, the rich trove of memories that are associated with familiar songs or beloved pieces.
Visit the research page of our website to learn more about the science behind Music & Memory and the range of therapeutic benefits associated with personalized music playlists.